
Medical Simulation Trainer Rental
In order to best serve the needs of our customers, we offer rental programs for a selection of our medical trainer devices. These devices fall

Medical Training Systems from 3-D Med Assist in Bile Duct Exploration Education
Medical Training Systems from 3-D Med Assist in Bile Duct Exploration Education 3-D Med recently partnered with SAGES (Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons)

COVID-19 Prototype
Our Own Bill Wurzelbacher Is Working With Dr. Tina Kummerle In Cincinnati To Protect Medical Staff And Prevent The Spread Of The Coronavirus. READ THE

Improve Abdominal Minimally Invasive Surgery Skills with the T5-HD
Suitable for any type of minimally invasive procedure in the abdominal area, the T5-HD from 3-Dmed can help improve surgical skills. Improve individually or as